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NullInjectorError - Root standalone component does not import HttpClientModule properly

I have an issue, I want to rewrite my app code and change main module to main root standalone component pointed in main.ts.

All works fine but I have an issue with HttpClientModule. I am using HttpClient in one of services which is provided in root. In MainComponent i added HttpClientModules to imports array but then error occurs which is saying I didn't provided HttpClientMoudle to app and this service can't use it.

Uncaught (in promise): NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Standalone[MainComponent])[MainService -> MainService -> HttpClient -> HttpClient]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for HttpClient!

When I added this HttpClientModule to AppRoutingModule which I also added to main.ts as

bootstrapApplication(MainComponent, {
  providers: [importProvidersFrom(RoutingModule)],

it works fine, service has no any problem.

Here is a code with basic example of this problem, could someone explain me why import to root standalone component doesn't work in this case but import to RoutngModule is solves the problem?


  • Problem solved. In this case, I have to add provideHttpClient()to providers array in bootstrapApplication() function in main.ts file.

    import { provideHttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
    bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
      providers: [