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Cant get a valid response from post request

I am trying to scrape a website that uses infinite scroll to load the elements.I checked the network tab after inspecting and found out that it is using a POST request with the url .

Now, when i make the same request using the above url in , the content of the response turn out be b'{"message": "Bad JSON."}

Cant figure out what i am doing wrong (Also a newbie to webscrapping ) . So need help!!!!


  • Your question is not completely clear, but I assumed what you are trying to get is the following, which works for me:

    import requests
    url = ''
    params = {'use_cache':True,
    payload = {"searches":
    res =, params=params, json=payload)

    Your problem might have come from the fact you did not properly supplied the payload. I tested using the data argument to supply the payload (e.g. data=payload instead of json=payload), and I got the same error you mentioned. More on that here.

    Also, I did not really look into the 'x-typesense-api-key' and the proper way to get it, I just reused there the one I had in my browser but you should probably look out to find a cleaner way to get it.

    Note that I used requests feature to supply the parameters required to the URL, which is a bit cleaner even if it is not required.