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How do I verify that two different objects attribute are different?

I'm new to using the Yup validation schema method and I was wondering how I could compare two object to check that one of their respective attributes are different.

For example, I have the following code:

export default Yup.object().shape({
    personA: Yup.object().shape({
        id: Yup.number()
            .typeError("Must be a valid number")
            .required("Required field")
    personB: Yup.object().shape({
        id: Yup.number()
            .typeError("Must be a valid number")
            .required("Required field")

In this case, how can I check that the objects personA and personB do not have the same id ?

Thank you for reading :D


  • yup.object().shape({
      object1: yup
          attribute1: yup.string().required(),
          attribute2: yup.string().required(),
      object2: yup
          attribute1: yup.string().required(),
          attribute2: yup.string().required(),
        .test('different', 'Attribute values must be different', function (value) {
          const object1 = this.parent.object1 || {};
          return value.attribute1 !== object1.attribute1 || value.attribute2 !== object1.attribute2;