I have 3 router-outlets:
All the routes are configured in the featured module 'country'. Click a country on the left side, and you will see the details on the right side, and a 'last visited' log at the bottom. This is only to showcase multiple auxiliary routes, so I am aware that i could accomplish this in many different ways..
const routes: Routes = [
{path: 'country', component: CountryComponent, children: [
{path: '', children: [
{path: '', component: CountryMasterComponent},
{path: ':name', outlet: 'detail', component: CountryDetailComponent},
{path: 'messages', outlet: 'visited', component: CountryVisitedComponent}
Calling the detail from the master:
<a [routerLink]="['../country', { outlets: { detail: [country.name] } }]">
In the country.detail component:
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router, private apiService: RestApiService) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
this.country$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe(
switchMap((params: ParamMap) =>
In the apiService:
getCountry(name: string): Observable<Country> {
const c$ = this.getAllCountries(false).pipe(map((countries: Country[]) =>
countries.find(country => country.name === name)!)
if(c$) {
this.messageService.addMessage("Fetched county: "+name);
return c$;
Finally inside the messageService:
addMessage(msg: string): void {
this.router.navigate(['../country', { outlets: {visited: ['messages']}}]);
The URL seems fine to me:
and everything works as expected, as you can see from the attached image, however, I get the following warnings in the console, and I can't really find anything on this anywhere:
country-master.component.html:6 The navigation to /country/(detail:Turkey//visited:messages) will instead go to /(detail:Turkey//visited:messages) in an upcoming version of Angular.
might need to be removed from theUrlCreationOptions
.message.service.ts:23 The navigation to /country/(visited:messages//detail:Turkey) will instead go to /(visited:messages//detail:Turkey) in an upcoming version of Angular.
So the question is - How can I resolve these warnings?
This a just warning that has landed in 15.2 to warn about a breaking change that will happen in v16.
See this PR for more info.
This is nothing to do on your side for the moment !