I have a large number or tables in the environment I wish to bind into a single table. There are many tables in the environment, but all the ones I want to bind are similarly named ending in "_Fields". I wish to search the environment for all the so-named tables and bind them together.
Using the grep function I can search and find all the table names as follows:
mylist <- list(grep("_Fields", ls(), value=T))
This yields the following result for mylist:
[1] "Account_Fields" "AccountHistory_Fields" "Case_Fields" "CaseHistory_Fields" "Contact_Fields"
[6] "Lead_Fields" "LeadHistory_Fields" "Opportunity_Fields" "OpportunityHistory_Fields" "User_Fields"
These are names of the desired tables in the environment, and I wish to bind them with the following:
tmp <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill,mylist)
However all this yields is the list of names contained in mylist and not the bound tables. How do I get the list of objects to be passed to the function to bind the tables?
The following works, but the number of tables may vary and I would have to change this code each time.
mylist <- list(Account_Fields,Opportunity_Fields,Lead_Fields,Contact_Fields,
LeadHistory_Fields, CaseHistory_Fields)
tmp <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill,mylist)```
We may use mget
do.call(rbind.fill, mget(ls(pattern = "_Fields")))