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Problem testing authentication on Maui app with IdentityServer running on localhost

I need to build a .NET 7 MAUI app which authenticates on a .NET 7 ASP.NET Core app running Duende IdentityServer (version 6.2.3). I'm starting with a proof of concept app but I'm having trouble testing it when I run IdentityServer on localhost.

My code is based on an example app for doing this which is found here And the IdentityServer code is pretty much an out of the box IdentityServer with a standard ui done with ASP.NET Core razor pages code.

I've tried testing using an android emulator that calls the IDP using a url generated by ngrok but I get the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Error loading discovery document: Endpoint is on a different host than authority: https://localhost:5001/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks'

I.e. my authority is something like but all the urls on the discovery document still use the localhost urls and so don't match.

I've tried testing on an android emulator and using the authority but this fails with the following:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Error loading discovery document: Error connecting to Trust anchor for certification path not found..'

Since I'm only testing in development here I set up the local IDP to work with http (not https) and tested with but this failed with the following:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Error loading discovery document: Error connecting to HTTPS required.'

I'd like to know if there is a way I can get my code to work via testing through localhost (using an emulator for the mobile app or a device). When I say I work I mean that when _client.LoginAsync() is called on the main page the 3 errors mentioned above don't happen and you see the success message. I think this can be achieved either through a solution to the ngrok problem or getting Android to trust the ASP.NET Core localhost certificate or something else. I found this This explains how you can bypass the certificate security check when you are connecting to localhost by passing a custom HttpMessageHandler to the httpclient. Can something similar be done when using the OidcClient?

Source code for OidcClient found here

I also found the solutions here but I can't make any of the 4 options work for me. Either they don't enable localhost testing or they don't work.

Below are the key parts of my code:

IDP code

I add identity server in my Program.cs code like this

builder.Services.AddIdentityServer(options =>
            options.EmitStaticAudienceClaim = true;

Here is the Config class that is being referenced

using Duende.IdentityServer;
using Duende.IdentityServer.Models;

namespace MyApp.IDP;

public static class Config
    public static IEnumerable<IdentityResource> IdentityResources =>
        new IdentityResource[]
            new IdentityResources.OpenId(),
            new IdentityResources.Profile()

    public static IEnumerable<ApiScope> ApiScopes =>
        new ApiScope[]
            { };

    public static IEnumerable<Client> Clients =>
        new Client[] 
                new Client()
                    ClientName = My App Mobile",
                    ClientId = "myappmobile.client",
                    AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code,
                    RedirectUris = {
                    PostLogoutRedirectUris = { 
                    AllowedScopes = new List<string>

Client mobile code

I register my OidcClient like this

var options = new OidcClientOptions
    Authority = "",
    ClientId = "myappmobile.client",        
    RedirectUri = "myapp://callback",
    Browser = new MauiAuthenticationBrowser()

builder.Services.AddSingleton(new OidcClient(options));

The code for MauiAuthenticationBrowser is this

using IdentityModel.Client;
using IdentityModel.OidcClient.Browser;

namespace MyFirstAuth;

public class MauiAuthenticationBrowser : IdentityModel.OidcClient.Browser.IBrowser
    public async Task<BrowserResult> InvokeAsync(BrowserOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var result = await WebAuthenticator.Default.AuthenticateAsync(
                new Uri(options.StartUrl),
                new Uri(options.EndUrl));

            var url = new RequestUrl("myapp://callback")
                .Create(new Parameters(result.Properties));

            return new BrowserResult
                Response = url,
                ResultType = BrowserResultType.Success
        catch (TaskCanceledException)
            return new BrowserResult
                ResultType = BrowserResultType.UserCancel

The app is just a page with a login button on it. Here is the code behind for this page

using IdentityModel.OidcClient;

namespace MyFirstAuth;
public partial class MainPage
    private readonly OidcClient _client;

    public MainPage(OidcClient client)
        _client = client;

    private async void OnLoginClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var result = await _client.LoginAsync();

        if (result.IsError)
            editor.Text = result.Error;

        editor.Text = "Success!";


  • What follows is how to test with https, if you want an answer for http see dreamboatDevs answer.

    OidcClient does use HttpClient and hence it is possible to use the approach suggested in the Microsoft docs.

    If you inspect the code for OidcClientOptions there is an HttpClientFactory property that looks like this

    public Func<OidcClientOptions, HttpClient> HttpClientFactory { get; set; }

    therefore you can change your code for registering the OidcClient to this

    Func<OidcClientOptions, HttpClient> httpClientFactory = null;
    #if DEBUG
            httpClientFactory = (options) =>
                var handler = new HttpsClientHandlerService();
                return new HttpClient(handler.GetPlatformMessageHandler());
    var options = new OidcClientOptions
        Authority = "",
        ClientId = "myappmobile.client",        
        RedirectUri = "myapp://callback",
        Browser = new MauiAuthenticationBrowser(),
        HttpClientFactory = httpClientFactory
    builder.Services.AddSingleton(new OidcClient(options));

    Note the #if DEBUG because this code is only needed in development. When httpClientFactory is null the OidcClient will just new up a normal HttpClient.

    The code for HttpsClientHandlerService comes straight from the Microsoft docs and is this

    public class HttpsClientHandlerService
        public HttpMessageHandler GetPlatformMessageHandler()
    #if ANDROID
            var handler = new Xamarin.Android.Net.AndroidMessageHandler();
            handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = (message, cert, chain, errors) =>
                if (cert != null && cert.Issuer.Equals("CN=localhost"))
                    return true;
                return errors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None;
            return handler;
    #elif IOS
            var handler = new NSUrlSessionHandler
                TrustOverrideForUrl = IsHttpsLocalhost
            return handler;
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Only Android and iOS supported.");
    #if IOS
        public bool IsHttpsLocalhost(NSUrlSessionHandler sender, string url, Security.SecTrust trust)
            if (url.StartsWith("https://localhost"))
                return true;
            return false;

    As you can see when development is done on localhost in debug mode the certificate is automatically trusted as required.