I am trying to print DDLs of all the tables present in a database of Hive. I am using 2 nested 'for loops' in the shell script. As I am new to shell script, I don't know what mistake I am making.
the code is given below
rm -f DDL_table_names.txt
declare -a db_name=("dev_cmt" "dev_cmt_fleet")
for DB in "${db_name[@]}"
echo "$DB:">> DDL_table_names.txt
for Tab in "$DB"
hive -e "use $DB;show create table $Tab;">>DDL_table_names.txt
echo -e "\n" >> DDL_table_names.txt
echo "Table file generated"
The error I am getting:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10001]: Table not found dev_cmt
Thanks in advance!
You need to replace for Tab in "$DB"
with for Tab in $(hive -e "use $DB;show tables;")
It should work.