I'm trying to implement SMS authorization using PHP (Laravel).
I send all the data according to the documentation, but I get a parameter error.
In theory, everything should work correctly. This is the date that goes into the request:
array:2 [ // vendor/twilio/sdk/src/Twilio/Version.php:211
"To" => "+380983435443"
"Channel" => "sms"
Documentation https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/errors/60200
This is a very vague question lot of things needed to be known to understand your issue...
from what I can see in the documentation you have received an error code of 60200 which is an invalid parameter...
according to documentation, the code should look like this
->create("+15558675310", // to
["body" => "Hi there","from" => "+15017122661"]
but here it looks like you have sent To and Channel as parameters..
Providing a snippet of your code where you have created the message would be more helpful.