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manual compostion of two functions

I try to make my own (compose) function, but I can't get through it.

It needs to work as follow:

let's call that function "manual" - manual needs to take two arguments, and it has to compose them in a way that later we can call our manual like this: ((manual func1 func2) 1) (so the output of the manual needs to be a procedure)

so if the func2 multiplies input by 2, and func1 raise it to the third power, then output of ((manual func1 func2) 1) should be 8 (( 2*1)^3)

I tried to write function like this:

(define (manual func1 func2) 
    (func1 (func2)) ; or f(g), or many other combinations of parenthesis

but unfortunately I couldn't came with idea of composing those two.

So I guess it needs to be a bit more abstract/complex than just some manipulation with parenthesis.


  • I want a function, manual, that accepts two functions, f and g -

    (define (manual f g)

    It should return a function, call it composition -

    (define (manual f g)
      (define (composition ...)

    When composition is applied to an argument, arg, it should return a result of f applied to arg, where g is applied to f's result -

    (define (manual f g)
      (define (composition arg)
        (g (f arg)))

    Let's test it -

      (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
      (lambda (x) (* x 2)))
    8 ; (3 + 1) * 2

    It would be nice if composition didn't require a name. lambda allows us to define a nameless, anonymous procedure -

    (define (manual f g)
      (lambda (arg)
        (g (f arg))))

    If I want to make the composition accept multiple arguments, I can use apply to apply f to all args -

    (define (manual f g)
      (lambda args
        (g (apply f args))))
    ((manual * add1) 10 20)
    201 ; (10 * 20) + 1

    If I want manual to accept any number of functions, I can rewrite the composition to apply all of them in sequence using a left fold -

    (define (manual f . more)
      (lambda args
        (foldl (lambda (f x) (f x))
               (apply f args)
    ((manual * add1 add1 add1 add1 add1) 10 20)
    205 ; (((((10 * 20) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1

    Above special behaviour is given to the first function in the sequence. If I want to make manual generic, I can ask the caller to handle the specialized behaviour -

    (define (manual . funcs)
      (lambda (init)
        (foldl (lambda (f x) (f x))
      (curry apply *) ; specific behaviour
     (list 10 20)) ; multiple arguments collected in a list
    205 ; (((((10 * 20) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1

    @PeterWinton points out that a typical compose function will apply the functions in right-to-left order. The manual procedure we wrote above applies them left-to-right. It's worth knowing the difference and what's considered common in practice. Writing manual to reflect this behaviour remains an exercise for the reader.