I want to propagate repository response to the user as a toast so i put live data listener in my activity on post create method
mainViewModel.toast.observe(this) {
Log.d(TAG, "initViews: $it")
if (it.notPropagated) {
if (!it.longToast) Toast.LENGTH_SHORT else Toast.LENGTH_LONG
toast is simple live data created from flow i get from database
val toast = mainRepository.getMessage().asLiveData(viewModelWorkerContext)
but when I'm trying to change the data in database in other fragment by using insert it never actually update on change, only when I restart application it is getting the stuff from database and respond to the mainViewModel.setMessageToPropagated()
that changes message to "used" and that triggers livedata no problem.
Here is my DAO:
interface RoomDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun setMessage(message: SingleTimeUserMessage)
@Query("SELECT * FROM SingleTimeUserMessage WHERE notPropagated = true LIMIT 1")
fun getMessageToPropagate(): Flow<SingleTimeUserMessage>
@Query("SELECT * FROM SingleTimeUserMessage LIMIT 1")
fun getMessageToPropagated(): SingleTimeUserMessage
And lastly, providers
object RoomDatabase {
fun provideMainDatabase(app: Application): MainDatabase =
Room.databaseBuilder(app, MainDatabase::class.java, "MainDatabase")
fun provideTvDao(database: MainDatabase): RoomDao {
return database.tvDao()
I read many topics related to this problem and it was often resolved by making providers return the same instance of database but as far as I know my providers should always return the same instance. Any ideas and help would be appreciated.
There was an error in my code that I was not aware works like that. I had useless annotations on all my Repositories
after removing it everything seems to run great.
Hope this can help someone in future that struggles with similar problems.