I am getting following result with the code added below:
name: A amount: 100.50 Total: 236.67
name: B amount: 50.52 Total: 236.67
name: C amount: 85.65 Total: 236.67
Instead, I would like to display the following results at each ForEach loop
name: A amount: 100.50 Total: 100.50
name: B amount: 50.52 Total: 151.02
name: C amount: 85.65 Total: 236.67
Below is the coding details:-
import SwiftUl
struct NameAmount: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
let amount: Double
struct ContentView: View {
let transactions: [NameAmount] = [
NameAmount(name: "A", amount: 100.50),
NameAmount (name: "B", amount: 50.52),
NameAmount (name: "C", amount: 85.65)
var body: some View {
VStack {``
List {
VStack {
ForEach(transactions) { item in
HStack {
Text("(String (format: "%.2f", item.amount))")
Text("Total: (String(format: '%.2f", transactions.reduce(0)($0 + $1.amount))")
Text("Total: (String(format: '%.2f", transactions.reduce(0)($0 + $1.amount))") // the .reduce code is displaying the total of 236.67 at each foreach loop.
Instead, I would like to display the following results at each ForEach loop
name: A amount: 100.50 Total: 100.50
name: B amount: 50.52 Total: 151.02
name: C amount: 85.65 Total: 236.67
You can do it if you have the current index
and use a subset of transactions
struct PartialSunView: View {
struct NameAmount: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let name: String
let amount: Double
let transactions: [NameAmount] = [
NameAmount(name: "A", amount: 100.50),
NameAmount (name: "C", amount: 50.52),
NameAmount (name: "B", amount: 85.65)
var filtered: [NameAmount]{
transactions.sorted(using: KeyPathComparator(\.name))
var body: some View {
VStack {
List {
VStack {
ForEach(Array(filtered.enumerated()), id:\.offset) { (index, item) in //Get current index
HStack {
Text(String (format: "%.2f", item.amount))
Text("Total: \(String(format: "%.2f", filtered[0...index].reduce(0){$0 + $1.amount}))")//Use subset