I use Oracle DB. Can you help me? Help pleease who can, i'm tired of this problem =( I have such SQL query and i need to put my variable into function - converter to_date:
select p.mass_id, p.*
from cpm_problem p
where category = '9154812121313217606'
and type = '9154812121313217612'
and created_when > TO_DATE(lastPpr = ?, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
order by created_when desc
This is my code in idea:
private static final String LAST_PPR_FROM_RDB = "select p.mass_id, p.* from cpm_problem p where category = '9154812121313217606' and type = '9154812121313217612' and created_when > to_date(latestPprStr = ?, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') order by created_when desc";
latestPprStr is return 2022-12-31 12:00:00
public Ppr getCpmProblems() {
String latestPprStr = senderJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(LAST_PPR_FROM_SENDER, String.class);
Ppr ppr1 = rdbJdbcTemplate.query(LAST_PPR_FROM_RDB, ps -> ps.setString(1, latestPprStr),
new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(Ppr.class)).stream().findAny().orElse(null);
return ppr1;
The key problem is that the value doesn't converts into date, how i think...
Error is here:
Caused by: Error : 907, Position : 153, Sql = select p.mass_id, p.* from cpm_problem p where category = '9154812121313217606' and type = '9154812121313217612' and created_when > to_date(latestPprStr = :1 , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') order by created_when desc, OriginalSql = select p.mass_id, p.* from cpm_problem p where category = '9154812121313217606' and type = '9154812121313217612' and created_when > to_date(latestPprStr = ?, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') order by created_when desc,
Error Msg = ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
Any screening by "'" or similar is not working, also i'm tried to use more simple construction like:
select p.mass_id, p.* from cpm_problem p where category = '9154812121313217606' and type = ?
just to check that my code in idea is working and everything was added in sql query successfully. But exactly in to_date(...) i cant to put variable. Every time i have bad sqlgrammar and ":1"
"to_date(latestPprStr = :1 , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"
is not a valid SQL expression. If you wanted to bind a string into this, the prepared statement SQL string would be:
"to_date(:1 , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')"
into which you would then bind a string