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Combine list elements of lists with same structure

I have a list with inner lists that all have the same structure, in my case, they are character vectors. Now I want to have a list that combines these inner lists by a function (in this case simply c). A minimal example:

  list(one = "a", 
       two = "b", 
       three = "c"), 
  list(one = "d", 
       two = c("e", "f"), 
       three = "g")

My desired output:

  one = c("a", "d"),
  two = c("b", "e", "f"),
  three = c("c", "g")

I have searched quite long and there were similar questions but I haven't found exactly what I need. I also think that the answers to similar questions were quite complicated. Don't get me wrong, of course, it's no big deal to solve this problem, but I cannot imagine that there is no really elegant way/a one liner for this. Preferably with tidyverse syntax.


  • Here is another approach using first transpose and then unlist wrapped arround map:

    map(transpose(l), unlist)


    [1] "a" "d"
    [1] "b" "e" "f"
    [1] "c" "g"