Search code examples

Could not get alias of newly created template in ElasticSearch V8.6.2

I am a rookie to the ElasticSearch, and just tried to create a template with the following command. PUT https://myip:myport/_template/templatetest

    "index_patterns": ["templatetest-*"],
    "order": 999,
    "settings": {
    "mappings": {
        "properties": {
            "ActionName": {"type":"text"}
    "aliases": {
        "templatetest_all" : {}

After this, I tried to query the alias with below command, but failed. GET https://myip:myport/_alias/templatetest_all

My question is that if there is anything wrong with my create request or query request.



  • The _template (legacy) is the old one. I recommend using _index_template.

    create an _index_template

    PUT _index_template/test_template
      "index_patterns": ["templatetest-*"],
      "order": 999,
      "settings": {
      "mappings": {
          "properties": {
              "ActionName": {"type":"text"}
      "aliases": {
          "templatetest_all" : {}

    Create indices

    PUT templatetest-001
    PUT templatetest-002

    Check your indices with an alias

    GET _cat/indices/templatetest_all?v

    You can also search your data with alias

    GET templatetest_all/_search

    Some recommendations:

    1. Decrease the refresh_interval to at max 30s
    2. Decrease the replica count 1