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Custom trusted types in Angular project

I have a spot in my Angular application where I do not want the Angular sanitizer to sanitize my content. My goal is to create a custom trusted type policy in my angular project. But I could not figure out what is the best practice to create one, store them and use them in code later.

I know it works by using (window as any) And doing I was doing it in a separate trusted-types-service:

export class TrustedTypesService {
  readonly fooPolicy: any;

  constructor() {
    this.fooPolicy = (window as any).trustedTypes.createPolicy('foo', (bar) => {
      // ideally some sanitizing by e.g. DOM Purify
      return bar;

But is this the right and best way to do it?

I'd appreciate any help. Thank you :)


  • The best way I found out to do it is the following:

    export class TrustedTypesService {
      public readonly domPurify: TrustedTypePolicy;
      constructor() {
        // If browser does not support TTs => Tinyfill
        if (window.trustedTypes == undefined) {
          (window as any).trustedTypes = {
              createPolicy: (_name: string, rules: TrustedTypePolicyOptions) => rules
        // Creating the policy
        this.domPurify = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('dom-purify', {
          createHTML: (input) => DOMPurify.sanitize(input,
              USE_PROFILES: { html: true },
              RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE: true
          createScript: (input) => *handle script sanitization*,