I'm writing powershell script to copy "csv" from client machine to remote postgre database table with psql copy command.
The copy command executed successfully, but some Japanese characters have become garbled.
I have set the encoding for client and console stdin and stdout, but garbled code still occurred.
[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
[System.Console]::InputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
$env:PGPASSWORD = 'pwd';
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem .\Import -Filter *.csv){
$table = $file.BaseName
$Truncate_Sql = "truncate table $table;"
$Result = & psql -h 10.0.xxx.xx -d db1 -U user1 -w -c $Truncate_Sql
Write-Host $Result $table "Ok."
$Result = Write-Output (Get-Content -Path $file.FullName -Encoding utf8) | & psql -h 10.0.xxx.xx -d db1 -U user1 -w -c "set client_encoding=UTF8;COPY $table FROM STDIN WITH(FORMAT CSV,HEADER TRUE, ENCODING 'UTF8')"
For example, the csv(utf8 encoding) content looks like the following
When copied to postgre, I use pgAdmin to view the table data. It shows:
header1 | header2 |
1001 | ??? |
I resolved my question. I confused the Postgre SQL COPY
command with psql \COPY
Actually, I need to use \COPY
instruction to execute copy command, then I can directly copy from file instead of writing to stdin
[System.Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
[System.Console]::InputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8
$env:PGPASSWORD = 'pwd';
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem .\Import -Filter *.csv){
$table = $file.BaseName
$Truncate_Sql = "truncate table $table;"
$Result = & psql -h 10.0.xxx.xx -d db1 -U user1 -w -c $Truncate_Sql
Write-Host $Result $table "Ok."
$Result = & psql -h 10.0.xxx.xx -d db1 -U user1 -w -c "\COPY $table FROM $($file.FullName) WITH(FORMAT CSV,HEADER TRUE, ENCODING 'UTF8')"