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Decorator causing my function to not accept positional argument?

I am learning how to use decorators. Inspired by tqdm library (progress bars), I have cobbled together a decorator, heavily inspired by this code. The goal is to use multithreading to have a progress indicator blink/spin/count in stdout while a long-running function that does not depend on iteration is in progress.

The decorator is changing something about the function it wraps. spendtime should take one positional argument, an integer, passed to sleep():

@progresswrapper(style="clock", msg="testing...")
def spendtime(x):
    result = 'foobar' #dosomething
    return result #returnanything

if __name__ == "__main__":

But this throws a TypeError: spendtime() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given. When I comment out the decorator, spendtime() works as expected. When I make the following changes:

@progresswrapper(style="clock", msg="testing...")
def spendtime(x=2):  #### CHANGED TO KWARG
    result = 'foobar' #dosomething
    return result #returnanything

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(spendtime())  ### RUNNING WITH NO INPUT

this code works too, but is not suitable; I want to be able to call spendtime() with an argument. In my work code, I intend to use this decorator on much more complex functions that take a whole range of args and kwargs.

Why is the use of the decorator here causing this behaviour? Why am I seeing this TypeError?

Full code:

import threading
from itertools import cycle
from time import sleep
import functools

# heavy inspiration from duckythescientist:

def monitor(func, style="clock", msg=None):
    print progress indicator to same line in stdout while wrapped function progresses

    styles = {"clock":(0.1, ['-', '\\', '|', '/']),
              "blink":(0.2, [u"\u2022", ' ']),
              "jump":(0.2, [u"\u2022", '.']),
              "ellipsis":(0.2, ["   ", ".  ", ".. ", "..."]),
              "shuffle":(0.2, [u"\u2022 ", u" \u2022"]),
              "counter":(1, (f"{n:02}s" for n in range(100))),

    if style == "counter":
        msg_pad = 10
        msg_pad = len(styles[style][1][1]) + 7

    if msg:
        msg = (" "*msg_pad) + msg # ensure that progress indocator doesn't overwrite msg
        print(f"{msg}", end='\r')
    marker_cycle = cycle(styles[style][1]) # loop through list
    tstep = styles[style][0]

    ret = [None]
    def runningfunc(func, ret, *args, **kwargs):
        ret[0] = func(*args, **kwargs)

    thread = threading.Thread(target=runningfunc, args=(func, ret))

    while thread.is_alive():
        thread.join(timeout=tstep) # call to runningfunc (?)
        print(f"  [ {next(marker_cycle)} ]", end='\r')
    return ret[0]

def progresswrapper(style, msg):
    def real_decorator(func):
        def wrapper():
            return monitor(func, style=style, msg=msg)
        return wrapper
    return real_decorator

@progresswrapper(style="clock", msg="testing...")
def spendtime(x):
    result = 'foobar' #dosomething
    return result #returnanything

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • When you apply the decorator to your spendtime function, the original function gets replaced by the wrapper function that is defined inside of the decorator's code. wrapper doesn't take any arguments, and even if it did, there's no way for it to pass them along to the monitor function where the original function eventually gets called.

    One of the many nested functions you're using, runningfunc does accept *args and **kwargs, but the only place it can ever be called from (the thread), never passes it anything that will be captured in those variables.

    So the obvious fix is to change wrapper to accept arguments, and then pass them on via monitor and a thread to runningfunc. You probably don't need to be using *args and **kwargs for most of those calls, and indeed, doing so would risk complications if the wrapped function happened to have argument names that matched any of your intermediate functions (e.g. style). Passing a tuple and dictionary around is fine though:

    def monitor(func, args, kwargs, style="clock", msg=None):   # get args and kwargs
        # style stuff omitted for brevity
        def runningfunc(func, ret, args, kwargs): # don't expect unpacked args and kwargs
            ret[0] = func(*args, **kwargs)
        thread = threading.Thread(target=runningfunc, args=(func, ret, args, kwargs)) # ...
        # wait-loop omitted
    def progresswrapper(style, msg):
        def real_decorator(func):
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):                    # accept arbitrary arguments
                return monitor(func, args, kwargs, style=style, msg=msg) # pass them on
            return wrapper
        return real_decorator

    It's worth noting that you could simplify a lot of your argument passing logic by simply putting the body of monitor into wrapper, rather than having them separate. The style, msg and func values could be accessed from the enclosing namespaces, rather than needing to be explicitly passed, and *args and **kwargs are being collected in wrapper just as you need them.

    Of course, you could do a similar thing with runningfunc, which has access to all the values defined in the enclosing local namespace of monitor, so you could make it argumentless and let it access func, ret, args and kwargs directly, rather than passing them through the threading startup process. This would even let you replace your ret list with a simple variable, as a nonlocal ret statement would let runningfunc write to the outer namespace just as easily as it can modify the contents of a list.