I am trying to find out which of my video files are corrupted. I loop through a directory, grab each video file, and check if it is corrupt/healthy. If the filename has no spaces nor special characters, it will work. Unfortunately, many of my files have spaces or parenthesis in the name, and this causes my shell command ffmpeg
within my python script to fail. How can I retrieve the filenames in abs_file_path
with the escape characters preceding the special characters?
Example filename: Movie Name (1080p)
Goal: Movie\ Name\ \(1080p\)
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(tuple(VIDEO_EXTENSIONS)):
print(f'PROCESSING: {filename}...')
abs_file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
proc = subprocess.Popen(f'./ffmpeg -v error -i {abs_file_path} -f null - 2>&1', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = proc.communicate()[0]
row = ''
if not output:
# Healthy
print("\033[92m{0}\033[00m".format("HEALTHY -> {}".format(filename)), end='\n') # red
row = [filename, 0]
# Corrupt
print("\033[31m{0}\033[00m".format("CORRUPTED -> {}".format(filename)), end='\n') # red
row = [filename, 1]
You can use shlex.quote() .
A simple example —
# cat run.py
import shlex, subprocess
fname = 'Movie Name (1080p)'
shcmd = 'ls -l %s' % shlex.quote(fname)
print('shcmd:', shcmd)
subprocess.run(shcmd, shell=True)
# python3 run.py
shcmd: ls -l 'Movie Name (1080p)'
-rw-r--r-- 1 pynexj staff 0 Mar 9 09:55 Movie Name (1080p)