I have a table that has an ID column and multiple DATE columns. Each ID row is repeated each time it has data in a date column. I am looking to combine the rows so that there is a single row for each ID, with the data for all date columns populated.
Image of my current output
Image of the output I am looking for.
I have tried transposing and sorting the data, then running PROC SQL with a group by clause for ID_COLUMN
Let me show you one of my favorite SAS trick to perform this kind of operation.
Assumption is that the data is already sorted by id_column
data want;
update have(obs=0) have;
by id_column;
Let's take this minimal reproducible example (next time give your input with a table instead of a picture)
id_column date1 date2 date3
id_1 51.29405 . .
id_1 . . 50.84405
id_2 71.99253 . .
id_2 . . 63.62253
id_2 . 93.4383 .
data want;
update have(obs=0) have;
by id_column;
id_column date1 date2 date3
id_1 51.29405 . 50.84405
id_2 71.99253 93.4383 63.62253