I was recently testing ChatGPT on terraform scripts and came across something that I can't tell if it's a GPT "cannon fodder" or if this is an undocumented feature.
On a trained ChatGPT session I input:
generate a bash script that can use random_pet resources from terraform
And this was the output:
# Download metadata for the random_pet resource from the Terraform state file
metadata=$(curl -s
# Parse the metadata and extract the value of the "id" attribute
id=$(echo $metadata | jq -r '.random_pet_generator_id')
# Use the value of the "id" attribute in your Bash script
echo "Hello, $id!"
This looked bogus to me:
Until I read about Referring to Alternate Provider Configurations
@Marcin, I'm pretty sure that's not a real endpoint but hidden features are always a possibility. I ended up with:
# Enables access to instance tags from the instance metadata service.
metadata_options {
instance_metadata_tags = "enabled"
http_endpoint = "enabled"
# Apply tags to the resources during launch (does not include default_tags)
dynamic "tag_specifications" {
for_each = toset(["instance", "volume", "network-interface"])
content {
resource_type = tag_specifications.key
tags = {
baz = random_pet.generator.id
BAZ_TAG=$(curl -s
I'm really curious how ChatGPT derived that endpoint. It definitely makes mistakes sometimes but even the mistakes are based on some element of truth.