I want to convert this data to a flextable, format the columns, and save as an image for reporting purposes:
df = data.frame(col1 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-100, NA),
col2 = c(1,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-1, NA),
col3 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-10000.90, NA),
col4 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-100, NA)
formater_for_ft = function(x){
ifelse(x < 0, paste0("(",format(round(as.numeric(abs(x)), 1),
nsmall=1, big.mark=","),")"),
ifelse(x == 0, paste("-"),
ifelse(is.na(x), "",
ifelse(x > 100,
format(round(as.numeric(x), 1), nsmall=1, big.mark=","),
format(round(as.numeric(x), 1), nsmall=1)))))
ft = df %>%
flextable() %>%
set_formatter(col1 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col2 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col3 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col4 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x))
path = "/home/app/mre.png",
zoom = 3 ,
webshot = "webshot2")
This looks almost acceptable in the viewer:
But the saved image there is leading whitespaces in the 4th row of the 1st, 3rd and 4th columns:
I would like it to look like the 4th row and 2nd column
Is there something that can be done to solve this issue?
for reference I am running in a docker container using rocker/verse
The problem is that your function is leaving a space when it substitutes the negative signs. Use the str_remove_all
function from the stringr
package to remove all spaces.
df <- data.frame(col1 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-100, NA),
col2 = c(1,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-1, NA),
col3 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-10000.90, NA),
col4 = c(10,1,0,0.1,-0.5,-100, NA)
formater_for_ft = function(x){
ifelse(x < 0,
stringr::str_remove_all( # Here
paste0("(",format(round(as.numeric(abs(x)), 1),
nsmall=1, big.mark=","),")"),
" "), # Here
ifelse(x == 0, paste("-"),
ifelse(is.na(x), "",
ifelse(x > 100,
format(round(as.numeric(x), 1), nsmall=1, big.mark=","),
format(round(as.numeric(x), 1), nsmall=1)))))
ft <- df %>%
flextable() %>%
set_formatter(col1 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col2 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col3 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x)) %>%
set_formatter(col4 = function(x) formater_for_ft(x))
path = "mre.png",
zoom = 3 ,
webshot = "webshot2")