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Unable to Open Popup in Maui From Within OnAppearing


From within the OnAppearing method in a MAUI content page, calling the Maui Community Toolkit method: ShowPopup causes an exception: System.InvalidOperationException: 'Could not locate MauiContext.'

It seems to work just fine when used not in the OnAppearing method.

The ultimate goal is to display the popup (with a spinner) while the page is loading with data, and then remove it once the data has been loaded. Currently I'm loading data via the OnAppearing method.

Maui Community Toolkit version: 5.0.0 Android / Maui Version: net7.0-android Dotnet Version: 7.0

Content Page:

public partial class FilesInMediaStorePage : ContentPage
    public FilesInMediaStorePage()
        BindingContext = new FilesInMediaStoreViewModel();
    protected override void OnAppearing()
        this.ShowPopup(new SpinnerPopup()); //causes the exception: System.InvalidOperationException: 'Could not locate MauiContext.'
        Task.Run(async () =>
            this.ShowPopup(new SpinnerPopup()); //has no affect
            await this.ShowPopupAsync(new SpinnerPopup()); //has no affect

    private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.ShowPopup(new SpinnerPopup()); //works just fine


        <ActivityIndicator IsRunning="True" />
        <Label TextColor="Red" Text="Loading..." />
        <Label TextColor="Red" Text="This is a very important message!" />
        <Button Text="OK" 
                Clicked="OnOKButtonClicked" />

I tried to use both the void and the async method of the method - and also calling the method within a Task with no luck.

I also looked for a different suitable base methods to override instead of the OnAppearing, however no others seemed to kick off on page load.


  • No, that won't work. You've asked Maui to simultaneously get ready to show the page, AND block the page while you show a Popup.

    • Instead, have spinner as an element on page. Let the page appear with minimal content while needed data is prepared inside Task.Run.
    • Any changes that affect UI must be deferred until you use Dispatcher to get back to MainThread.
    // --- Inside "OnAppearing" ---
    // make spinner (element on page) visible.
    Task.Run(() =>
        // Prepare data here, as local variables that are not used by UI.
        // Do not touch any UI element, or any code property bound to a UI element!
        // When data is ready:
        Dispatcher.Dispatch(() =>
            // Make changes to UI elements and bound properties here.
            // (From the local variables you prepared above.)
            // hide spinner