Im trying to integrate AG Grid server side model with Redux Toolkit Query but problem is I have external parameters that changes, but did not find how to handle this.
I have pagination/filters/sorting on, I think I cant just override the datasource or I might lose them?
Heres an example
function MyGrid({ param1, param2 }: props): ReactElement {
// param1/param2 are updated here
const [triggerPostData] = usePostDataMutation();
const createDatasource: () => IServerSideDatasource = useCallback(() => {
return {
getRows: (parameters): void => {
// param1/param2 arent updated here
triggerPostData({ param1, param2, rowsRequestData: parameters.request })
.then((data) => {
rowData: data.results,
rowCount: data.resultCount
return parameters;
.catch(() => {;
}, [param1, param2, triggerPostData]);
const onGridReady = useCallback(
(parameters: GridReadyEvent): void => {
const agGridProperties: AgGridReactProps = {
rowModelType: 'serverSide',
cacheBlockSize: paginationPageSize,
return <AgGridReact {...agGridProperties} />;
In your code, datasource is set only once (in the greadReady callback).
Then when param1
and param2
are changed it makes new createDatasource
function which is never used by grid.
I would suggest setting datasource via AgGridReact property serverSideDatasource
function MyGrid({ param1, param2 }: props): ReactElement {
// param1/param2 are updated here
const [triggerPostData] = usePostDataMutation();
const serverSideDatasource: IServerSideDatasource = useMemo(() => {
return {
getRows: (parameters): void => {
// param1/param2 arent updated here
triggerPostData({ param1, param2, rowsRequestData: parameters.request })
}, [param1, param2, triggerPostData]);
const agGridProperties: AgGridReactProps = {
rowModelType: 'serverSide',
cacheBlockSize: paginationPageSize,
return <AgGridReact {...agGridProperties} />;
UPD: As @phry pointed out, the server-side row model is designed around an imperative approach through the getRows method, so it would not be practical to use RTK Query with Server-side model.