Search code examples

combine two datasets by ID and Date

i want to combine two datasets that look like this:

ID Date X
1234 01.01.2022 15
1235 02.01.2022 244
ID Date Y
1234 01.01.2022 7
1235 04.01.2022 18

into one that looks like this

ID Date X Y
Number dd.MM.YYYY Number Number
1234 01.01.2022 15 7
1235 02.01.2022 244 0
1235 04.01.2022 0 18

Sometimes for a certain date, there might not be an X and a Y value

in the end, I need a table/chart that allows me to filter for one ID and gives me all the X and Y data for said ID depending on their dates (months).

I am really new to the whole Access thing and am learning by doing. Couldn't find a way to do this by Googling, so any help is appreciated.


  • First, Use a union query to combine multiple queries into a single result:

    Select ID, [Date], X As X1, 0 As Y2 From Dataset1
    Union All 
    Select ID, [Date], 0 As X1, Y As Y2 From Dataset2

    Save it as DatasetU.

    Next, use this in an aggregating query:

        Sum(DatasetU.X1) AS X, 
        Sum(DatasetU.Y2) AS Y
    Group By 


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