I would like not to display the empty news detail page in the breadcrumb. I added the breadcrumb as explained here. Then I disabled the "Page enabled in menus" as recommended on the same page. But the breadcrumb still shows like:
Home > News > Single news > This is the name of the news
But it should be like this:
Home > News > This is the name of the news
Any ideas?
with MenuProcessor
with the following setup:
30 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
30 {
special = rootline
special.range = 0|-1
includeNotInMenu = 0
as = breadcrumbMenu
40 = GeorgRinger\News\DataProcessing\AddNewsToMenuProcessor
40 {
menus = breadcrumbMenu
includeNotInMenu = 0
When including includeNotInMenu = 0
and enable Page enabled in menus
in the page settings of the News detail page
the page itself won't be shown in the breadcrumb.
It is shown like this:
Home > News > This is the name of the news
It depends on how your breadcrumb is being rendered, as there are many ways to do it in TYPO3. The default in any of these standard implementation modes in TYPO3 is to respect the flag "Page enabled in menus", so that these pages do not appear in the breadcrumbs (also known as "rootline" in the TYPO3 world).
But there are switches to turn this behaviour off, so you might want to hunt for them.
lib.rootline = HMENU
lib.rootline {
special = rootline
Make sure you have not included includeNotInMenu=1
in this setup (see docs).
with a MenuProcessor
to be able to render your breadcrumb in Fluid: 50 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
50 {
special = rootline
special.range = 1|-1
as = breadcrumbs
titleField = nav_title // title
Also here the setting would be includeNotInMenu=1
to search for, which you don't want.
extension and the provided Breadcrumb
ViewHelper directly in your Fluid template:<v:page.breadCrumb as="menu">
In this case, make sure you are not using the showHiddenInMenu="true"
In case your breadcrumb are being rendered in any other way, you might need to adjust your question to include the relevant part of your code so that we can formulate a more precise answer.