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Get target group arn from aws cli

I'm trying to get the arn of a target group that contains the word test or the value assigned to "value" in its name, but I can't get it, I got this error.

aws elbv2 describe-target-groups --query "TargetGroups[?starts_with(TargetGroupName, '${value}') == `true`].[TargetGroupArn]"
Bad value for --query TargetGroups[?starts_with(TargetGroupName, 'test') == ].[TargetGroupArn]: invalid token: Parse error at column 59, token "]" (RBRACKET), for expression:
"TargetGroups[?starts_with(TargetGroupName, 'test') == ].[TargetGroupArn]"

I am using bash on windows


  • Looks like you've used backticks around your true value:


    try replacing them with single-quotes instead.
