I converted this json file to XML
{ "firstNumber": 25, "secondNumber": 23 }
but it converts it to this instead;
<Add xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <a>25</a> <b>23</b> </Add>
Now, without headers for soap and the envelop, the endpoint does not recognize this so i use an enrich mediator to make it the right format.
the issue i have is that when i use the enrich mediator, it replaces the entire soap body including the variables.
is there a way i can change only the envelop of the xml message
this is my endpoint ecs.syr.edu/faculty/fawcett/Handouts/cse775/code/calcWebService/Calc.asmx the documentation is there too
This is my code enter image description here
What your enrich mediator is doing is replacing the Entire message with the Inline payload you have given. Inorder to resolve the issue, remove your Enrich Mediator
and add the following property before sending the request out.
<property name="messageType" value="application/soap+xml" scope="axis2"/>