doing a project for university in MIPS Assembly.
I am doing a project and am storing 5 city names in a word called "array_cidades" For each city, I'm asking the user a int temperature, and checking if it is odd or even. I am using 3 arrays actually, and one index ($t0) to store and access each element.
My question is, why after this code runs, if I loop through my "array_cidades", it won't show me cidade_1 and cidade_2, like they have gone missing and I don't understand why...
array_temperaturas: .space 20
array_cidades: .word cidade_1, cidade_2, cidade_3, cidade_4, cidade_5
array_even_odd: .word 20
cidade_1: .asciiz "Porto - "
cidade_2: .asciiz "Lisboa - "
cidade_3: .asciiz "Faro - "
cidade_4: .asciiz "Coimbra - "
cidade_5: .asciiz "Viseu - "
media: .asciiz "\nMedia: "
minimo: .asciiz "\nMinimo: "
maximo: .asciiz "\nMaximo: "
nova_linha: .asciiz "\n"
hashtag: .asciiz "#"
estrela: .asciiz "*"
.globl main
# Index array = 0
addi $t0, $zero, 0
#For each temperature, gonna save it in the array, and save if it's odd or even
bgt $t0, 16, limpar_index # Check if index > 16 (because 5 cities at [0,4,8,12,16])
# Get city name to $t7
lw $t7, array_cidades($t0)
# Print city name at $t7
li $v0, 4
la $a0, ($t7)
# Get user temperature
li $v0, 5
# Save user input in array of temperatures
move $t6, $v0
sw $t6, array_temperaturas($t0)
# Check if user input is odd or even, stores in $t5
andi $t5 , $t6 , 0x0001
sw $t5, array_even_odd($t0) # Saves it in the array
# Prints new line
li $v0, 4
la $a0, nova_linha
# Adds 4 to the array index (get next element)
addi $t0, $t0, 4 # Index incrementado por 4 (proximo valor)
j foreach
So, after this code runs it will branch to limpar_index tag. If i loop through, and print array_cidades, the first and second elements won't show up...
addi $t0, $zero, 0 # Index = 0
test_start: # Printing the array_cidades
bgt $t0, 16, text_exit
# Print city
li $v0, 4
lw $a0, array_cidades($t0)
addi $t0, $t0, 4 #Increments array
j test_start
text_exit: (...)
Any ideas why it's happening?
The first 2 names are overwritten by 0x00000000 or 0x00000001.
array_even_odd: .word 20
means to allocate 4 bytes and put a value 20 there.
You may want to use
array_even_odd: .space 20
to allocate a 20-byte (5 4-byte elements) space.