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Error pushing a large commit (containing PySide6 package) to GitHub

I have a PySide6 project that I am currently working on it, when I tried to add a source control to the project, I realized that the PySide6 package is too large (+450 MB) to be pushed to GitHub. The error:

File .venv/Lib/site-packages/PySide6/Qt6WebEngineCore.dll is 127.54 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB

Beside pushing to the GitHub issue, the project itself is huge in size. Is there any solution to this problem? Can I install PySide6 without included Qt designer?

I tried searching the web for a solution, but actually there is not much about PySide6 in general on the web.


  • Git should only be used to track the source files of your project. The compiled outputs and installed virtual environments should be excluded from source control. Basically, everything that can be regenerated locally should be excluded.

    Otherwise the git will be cluttered with unnecessary and not up-to-date files like:

    • Compiled files
    • Virtual environments
    • Temporary files
    • ...

    Extending for python:

    Specifically for python, there is the possibility of using the requirement.txt file. All required packages are listed there with the required version and can then be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt.