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Read at position relative to end of the file via IoUring

How can I read at the position relative to end of the file via IoUring? I have a file that contains the metadata in the end of the file because of single pass writing. Now, I want to read the file via IoUring for efficiency, therefore I have to read the metadata in the first step.

Read it via blocking IO is simple, we can use lseek with SEEK_END to seek to the position( in rust) and then read from it. However, after some search, I found IoUring does not have an operation named seek. So maybe we can use the pos = file.read_at(file_size - meta_size) to achieve it. But how can we get the file size? Using stat syscall may cause blocking...


  • This example was for me the occasion to discover io-uring.

    One solution is to call statx() with AT_FDCWD as file-descriptor in order to state that the path is relative to the current directory. The path provided to this call is supposed to be null-terminated, hence the conversion into CString.

    Another solution is to call statx() with an already open file-descriptor, an empty null-terminated string as filename and the AT_EMPTY_PATH flag.

    Note that this example is not representative of a normal usage because it does not take any advantage of the asynchronous nature of the API; we submit and wait for every single operation in a synchronous manner.

    // io-uring = ">=0"
    // libc = ">=0"
    use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
    type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    fn file_size_by_name(
        ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
        filename: &str,
    ) -> Result<usize> {
        let user_data = 0xdead;
        let filename = std::ffi::CString::new(filename)?;
        let mut statxbuf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::statx>::zeroed();
        let entry = io_uring::opcode::Statx::new(
            statxbuf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
        unsafe {
        let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no statx entry")?;
        if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
            Err("invalid user_data")?
        } else if cqe.result() < 0 {
            Err(format!("statx error: {}", cqe.result()))?
        } else {
            Ok(unsafe { statxbuf.assume_init_ref() }.stx_size as usize)
    fn file_size(
        ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
        fd: &std::fs::File,
    ) -> Result<usize> {
        let user_data = 0xdead;
        let mut statxbuf = std::mem::MaybeUninit::<libc::statx>::zeroed();
        let entry = io_uring::opcode::Statx::new(
            statxbuf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _,
        unsafe {
        let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no statx entry")?;
        if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
            Err("invalid user_data")?
        } else if cqe.result() < 0 {
            Err(format!("statx error: {}", cqe.result()))?
        } else {
            Ok(unsafe { statxbuf.assume_init_ref() }.stx_size as usize)
    fn read_bytes(
        ring: &mut io_uring::IoUring,
        fd: &std::fs::File,
        offset: usize,
        buffer: &mut [u8],
    ) -> Result<usize> {
        let user_data = 0xbeef;
        let entry = io_uring::opcode::Read::new(
            buffer.len() as _,
        .offset64(offset as _)
        unsafe {
        let cqe = ring.completion().next().ok_or("no read entry")?;
        if cqe.user_data() != user_data {
            Err("invalid user_data")?
        } else if cqe.result() < 0 {
            Err(format!("read error: {}", cqe.result()))?
        } else {
            Ok(cqe.result() as usize)
    fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let mut ring = io_uring::IoUring::new(8)?;
        let filename = "Cargo.lock";
        let fd = std::fs::File::open(filename)?;
        let size = file_size(&mut ring, &fd)?;
        println!("{:?} contains {} bytes", filename, size);
            "by name: {:?} contains {} bytes",
            file_size_by_name(&mut ring, filename)?
        let mut meta = [0; 10];
        let amount = read_bytes(&mut ring, &fd, size - meta.len(), &mut meta)?;
        println!("last {} bytes: {:?}", amount, &meta[..amount]);
    "Cargo.lock" contains 811 bytes
    by name: "Cargo.lock" contains 811 bytes
    last 10 bytes: [34, 108, 105, 98, 99, 34, 44, 10, 93, 10]