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NetSuite - SuiteScript 2.0: How to resolve 'Error: Load timeout for modules: N/redirect'?

I am using SuiteScript 2.0 in NetSuite and got an error when I open an existing invoice:

Error: Load timeout for modules: N/redirect


I plan to do the followings:

  1. Use a user event script to add a custom button on an invoice page to appear under 'view' mode. Upon clicking the button, a custom client-side script 'rs_cm_invoice_telema.js' is called and function 'onButtonClick' is executed.

     * @NApiVersion 2.0
     * @NScriptType UserEventScript
     * @param {serverWidget} serverWidget
    function(serverWidget) {
         * Defines the function definition that is executed before record is loaded.
         * @param {Object} scriptContext
         * @param {Record} scriptContext.newRecord - New record
         * @param {string} scriptContext.type - Trigger type; use values from the context.UserEventType enum
         * @param {Form} scriptContext.form - Current form
         * @param {ServletRequest} scriptContext.request - HTTP request information sent from the browser for a client action only.
         * @since 2015.2
        function beforeLoad(context) {
            var invoiceForm = context.form;
            // Set the module path to the custom client-side script
            invoiceForm.clientScriptModulePath = './rs_cm_invoice_telema.js';
            // Add a custom button to an invoice under 'view' mode
                id           : 'custpage_export_invoice_to_telema_button',
                label        : 'Export to Telema',
                functionName : 'onButtonClick'
        return {beforeLoad : beforeLoad}
  2. This custom client-side module calls another user event script using 'redirect' module. This is where the error occurs.

     * @NApiVersion 2.0
    define(['N/log', 'N/redirect'],
     * @param {log} log
     * @param {redirect} redirect
    function(log, redirect) {
        function callUserEventScript() {
                scriptId     : '216',  // '<your-script-id>'
                deploymentId : '307',  // '<your-deployment-id>'
        return {onButtonClick: callUserEventScript}
  3. The user event script that the custom module above is supposed to call doesn't have 'N'/redirect' module. The codes there are quite long, so I won't include them here unless it is needed.

I use Microsoft Edge and Edge didn't have a problem with runtime error from loading 'N/redirect' module at the beginning. I started facing this issue after a while.

Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if you need additional information. Thank you.

I have tried the followings:

  • Cleared cache/cookies on Microsoft Edge
  • Tried on Google Chrome

I was expecting 'N/redirect' to load and call a user event script.


  • I realized that 'N/redirect' module is for a server-side script. I was using it in the client-side script, hence the error.

    Solution from SuiteAnswers can be found here