I want to use a macro variable in a macro function to filter dataset based on date with a proc sql statement.
My macro variable is created like this;
data _null_;
do i = 1 to 2;
call symputx(cats('start_date_', i), cats(2022+i, "-01-01"), "G");
call symputx(cats('end_date_', i), cats(2022+i, "-12-31"), "G");
So start_date_1
is 2023-01-01
so on.
Them I use this in a loop to create datasets.
%macro getdata(start, end);
proc sql;
create table sometable as
select *
from mydataset
where keydate between &start and &end;
%mend getdata;
I have replated the &start
in proc sql
with "&sstart"d
, %tslit(&start)
and similar tricks, but no luck.
When I looked at samnple of data, the key date looks to be in date9.
format as in 08FEN2022
The fundamental is that the keydate is a SAS date whereas your macro variable are not. 2023-01-01
is not a valid SAS date. "01JAN2023"d
Therefore, you could change your data step to create macro variables that have the correct format.
data _null_;
do i = 1 to 2;
call symputx(cats('start_date_', i), put(intnx('year', "01JAN2022"d, i, 's'), date9.), "G");
call symputx(cats('end_date_', i), put(intnx('year', "31DEC2022"d, i, 's'), date9.), "G");
%put &=start_date_1 &=end_date_1;
%put &=start_date_2 &=end_date_2;
then wrap around the macro vriables with a double quote (not single ones otherwise macro is not resolved) and add a constant d
that tells SAS to interpret the data in quotes as a date.
%macro getdata(start, end);
proc sql;
create table sometable as
select *
from have
where keydate between "&start"d and "&end"d;
%mend getdata;
%getdata(start=&start_date_1, end=&end_date_1);
%getdata(start=&start_date_2, end=&end_date_2);