Search code examples

Recursive Hierarchical - Google BigQuery


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Note: There are circular references and these must be stopped at the first "node" - Note: Stop. As in the example output.

-There are cases where there are no "nodes" children, these are marked with Flag = 2, Note: End;

-There are cases where the "node" Father is also a child.

-For each entry ID, we want to apply this same logic. In the example of this output, case 1010 was used.

-The expected output can be a table, list, etc.



  • You can try below recursive approach.

    WITH RECURSIVE sample_table AS (
      -- put your *input* except *flag* here
    find_ends AS (
      SELECT DISTINCT t.*, IF( IS NULL, true, false) AS ended
        FROM sample_table t
        LEFT JOIN sample_table s ON t.parent_id =
    iterations AS (
      SELECT id, parent_id, [id, parent_id] ids, id = parent_id duplicated, ended
        FROM find_ends WHERE id = '1010'
       UNION ALL
      SELECT, t.parent_id,
             r.ids || [t.parent_id],
             t.parent_id IN UNNEST(r.ids),
        FROM iterations r JOIN find_ends t ON r.parent_id = 
       WHERE duplicated IS FALSE AND r.ended IS FALSE
    SELECT ids FROM iterations WHERE duplicated OR ended ORDER BY ARRAY_LENGTH(ids);

    Query results

    |                     ids                     |
    | "[1010,3021]"                               |
    | "[1010,3020]"                               |
    | "[1010,1012,2021]"                          |
    | "[1010,1012,2020]"                          |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1012]"                     |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,5020]"                |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,6020]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1020]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,6021]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1016,4022]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1018]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1016,1018]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1016,1010]"           |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1016,1018]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1020,1020]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1016,1010]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,1020]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,1018]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1016,4022]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,6020]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,6021]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1015,1020,1015]"      |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,1016,1018]" |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,1016,4022]" |
    | "[1010,1012,1013,1018,1020,1015,1016,1010]" |