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Flutter url_launcher send sms not loading number in the imessenger

Hi I am trying to send sms using url_launcher package in an iOS mobile device. The user clicks a button on my app and the url launcher triggers the iMessage and populates the phone number and message to be sent. Following is the code I am using for button click:

final Uri smsLaunchUri =
      Uri(scheme: 'sms', path: '3939393939', queryParameters: <String, String>{
    'body': Uri.encodeComponent('Example Subject & Symbols are allowed!'),
  if (await canLaunchUrl(smsLaunchUri)) {
  } else {
    throw 'Could not launch';

I have following in the info plist file:


But once the messenger is launched the 'To:' filed has 'No Name' and loading circle. Also there is no message in the message field. That number is saved in the simulator device with a 'test contact'.

enter image description here


  • I was having the same problem, but when I ran it on an actually ios device it worked fine. Seems like it has something todo with the simulator.