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SQL Query Payments due after threshold met

We payout commission to sales agents for fees collected from clients, but only after a threshold has been met. In my example, the threshold for this client is $3,166.09 and as we collect fees, they've met the threshold by the 8/12/2021 transaction and gone over a bit when you look at the cumulative total amount of fees collected to that point. I'm just getting hung up on how to calculate that last column of "COMMISSION_PMT"


110 2021-04-28 3166.09 764.25 764.25 0
110 2021-05-11 3166.09 449.75 1214 0
110 2021-07-27 3166.09 1709 2923 0
110 2021-08-12 3166.09 910.5 3833.5 667.41
110 2021-08-31 3166.09 164.91 3998.41 164.91
110 2021-09-27 3166.09 594.75 4593.16 594.75
110 2021-10-01 3166.09 1343.25 5936.41 1343.25
, t.pmt_date
, c.threshold
, sum(t.fee_collected) over(partition by t.cust_id order by t.pmt_date asc) as running_ttl
, case
    when sum(t.fee_collected) over(partition by t.cust_id order by t.pmt_date asc) < c.threshold
    then 0
    else t.fee_collected
 end as commission_pmt

from transactions t inner join customers c on t.cust_id = order by 2 asc


  • I think, I got it:

    select t.cust_id, t.pmt_date, t.threshold, t.fee_collected,
      case when t.part_row_number = t.max_part_row_number and t.temp_cash > t.threshold then t.temp_cash else 0 end commission_pmt
    from (
      select t.*,
        max(part_row_number) over(partition by t.cust_id, t.part) max_part_row_number
      from (
        select t.*,
          row_number() over(partition by t.cust_id, t.part) part_row_number,
          sum(t.fee_collected) over(partition by t.cust_id, t.part) temp_cash
        from (
          select t.*, 
            floor((t.ttl - t.fee_collected) / t.threshold) part
          from (
            select t.*,
              sum(t.fee_collected) over(partition by t.cust_id order by t.pmt_date) ttl
            from payments t
          ) t
        ) t


    110|2021-04-28|3166.09|  764.25|0
    110|2021-05-11|3166.09|  449.75|0
    110|2021-07-27|3166.09| 1709.00|0
    110|2021-08-12|3166.09|  910.50|3833.5
    110|2021-08-31|3166.09|  164.91|0
    110|2021-09-27|3166.09|  594.75|0
    110|2021-10-01|3166.09| 1343.25|0
    1. ttl: the collected fees are summed up per customer over the dates.
    2. part: the partition is created for each threshold area.
    3. part_row_number: row number inside each partition and temp_cash, the summed up collected fee in each partition part.
    4. max_part_row_number of each partition part.
    5. commission_pmt is each row with max_part_row_number... if it's greater than threshold.

    You can test it here:
