I have a sql string and I need to identify the first occurrence of the database and table name from the sql.
sql = 'select col1, col2, "base" as db_name, "employee" as table_name from base.employee where id is not NULL union select col1, col2, "base" as db_name, "employee" as table_name from base.employee where ts is not NULL'
result_dbname = re.search(',?"(.*)as db_name', sql)
db_name = result_dbname.group(1).replace("\"", "")
Expected result
Actual Result
base as db_name, employee as table_name from base.employee where id is not NULL union select col1, col2, base
I would like to capture only the first occurrence
You can try to use match group:
m = re.match(".*(\".*\") as db_name, (\".*\") as table_name.*", sql)
# ('"base"', '"employee"')
Then you can strip the quotation marks.