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What does - |- mean in yaml patch file

In this example (link), it creates kind cluster with config file, which patch containerd. What does the - |- under the line of containerdConfigPatches mean?

I found - | in yaml indicates this is a patch field. But what does the - following - | mean?

# create a cluster with the local registry enabled in containerd
cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --config=-
kind: Cluster
- |-
    endpoint = ["http://${reg_name}:5000"]


  • |- introduces a YAML block scalar, a way of writing a multi-line string. The | means that newlines are preserved (> would fold the string into a single line), and the - means the new line at the end is removed.

    anywhere: |-
      This is a multi-line string.  The new
      line in the middle is preserved.

    The - at the start of the line (the space is important) is a YAML block sequence (list). This is the same way other lists are presented; for example

      - one
      - two
      - three

    The - |- is nothing more than combining these two things: it is a list item whose value is a multi-line string.