I have this dataset
dput(per_stack[1:4, ])
which gives this output
structure(list(compliment_perc_index_bloc_org_plan_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"), compliment_perc_index_bloc_pressupostari_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%", "Menys del 25%"), compliment_perc_index_bloc_contractacio_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_serveis_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_ajudes_subven_migpunts = c("Entre un 25% i un 50%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_electes_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"), compliment_perc_index_bloc_patrimoni_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Més del 75%", "Més del 75%", "Menys del 25%"), compliment_perc_index_bloc_consultes_migpunts = c("Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"), compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_rell_jurid_migpunts = c("Entre un 50% i un 75%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%"
), Tramspoblacio = structure(c(5L, 4L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c("1 - 999",
"1000 - 4999", "5000 - 9999", "10000 - 19999", "20000 - 49999",
"50000 - 99999", "100000 - 200000", "Mayor de 200000"), class = "factor")), row.names = c(NA,
4L), class = "data.frame")
I have done a map2 function to avoid repeating an operation.
So, I created a vector with the variables I want to avoid writing and the variable I want to group by
target_var <- c("compliment_perc_index_bloc_org_plan_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_pressupostari_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_contractacio_migpunts",
"compliment_perc_index_bloc_serveis_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_ajudes_subven_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_electes_migpunts",
"compliment_perc_index_bloc_patrimoni_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_consultes_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_rell_jurid_migpunts" )
I want to group by this variable
group_var <- c("Tramspoblacio")
I have built an alternative dataframe
df1 = expand.grid(target_var, group_var, stringsAsFactors = F)
And I have done the map operation, which works
index_blocs_map_grups_compliment <- map2(df1$Var2, df1$Var1, ~ round(prop.table(table(per_stack[, .x], per_stack[, .y]), margin=1)*100,1)) %>% purrr::set_names(df1$Var1)
When I open it with markdown, I apply the operation
##I call the function
index_blocs_map_grups_compliment <- map2(df1$Var2, df1$Var1, ~ round(prop.table(table(per_stack[, .x], per_stack[, .y]), margin=1)*100,1)) %>% purrr::set_names(df1$Var1)
#I apply it with kable
kable(index_blocs_map_grups_compliment, caption = "<center><strong>Percentatge segons grup de població </strong></center>") %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover"))
When I apply the function without kable, It creates the 9 tables with the $, as it does in RStudio. However, when I want to format it with kable, the name of each table is lost and I lose the original format... My question is how I can change the name of each of the tables using kable. If I try to change it with "Caption" I can only change the title of the whole result (the title of the 9 tables altogether), but not of each one of the 9 tables.
Thank you very much!!!
As far as I get it the issue is that you are applying kable
on the list
of tables. I you want nine tables then use purrr::map
to loop over your list of tables and to format each separately via kable
. If you want to add a caption to each of your plots then you could use purrr::imap
or purrr::map2
. Finally, as you mentioned that you want to add the tables to an Rmd I would suggest to use purrr::walk
which requires to add a print()
statement and to set results="asis"
in the code chunk options:
title: "Untitled"
output: html_document
date: "2023-03-07"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r echo=FALSE}
per_stack <- structure(list(compliment_perc_index_bloc_org_plan_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_pressupostari_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_contractacio_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_serveis_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_ajudes_subven_migpunts = c(
"Entre un 25% i un 50%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_electes_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_patrimoni_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Més del 75%", "Més del 75%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_consultes_migpunts = c(
"Menys del 25%",
"Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%", "Menys del 25%"
), compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_rell_jurid_migpunts = c(
"Entre un 50% i un 75%",
"Entre un 25% i un 50%", "Entre un 50% i un 75%", "Entre un 25% i un 50%"
), Tramspoblacio = structure(c(5L, 4L, 4L, 4L), .Label = c(
"1 - 999",
"1000 - 4999", "5000 - 9999", "10000 - 19999", "20000 - 49999",
"50000 - 99999", "100000 - 200000", "Mayor de 200000"
), class = "factor")), row.names = c(
), class = "data.frame")
target_var <- c(
"compliment_perc_index_bloc_org_plan_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_pressupostari_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_contractacio_migpunts",
"compliment_perc_index_bloc_serveis_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_ajudes_subven_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_electes_migpunts",
"compliment_perc_index_bloc_patrimoni_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_consultes_migpunts", "compliment_perc_index_bloc_info_rell_jurid_migpunts"
group_var <- c("Tramspoblacio")
df1 <- expand.grid(target_var, group_var, stringsAsFactors = F)
index_blocs_map_grups_compliment <- map2(
df1$Var2, df1$Var1, ~ round(prop.table(table(per_stack[, .x], per_stack[, .y]), margin = 1) * 100, 1)
) %>%
index_blocs_map_grups_compliment <- map2(df1$Var2, df1$Var1, ~ round(prop.table(table(per_stack[, .x], per_stack[, .y]), margin = 1) * 100, 1)) %>% purrr::set_names(df1$Var1)
```{r, results='asis'}
iwalk(index_blocs_map_grups_compliment, function(x, y) {
kable(x, caption = paste0("<center><strong>", y, "</strong></center>")) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover")) |>