I have a Spring Boot application based on Spring Integration FTP where I can DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD files.
I need to send the files (as ZIP) received via mail but the problem is, I can only do this per message a file received which means if I receive 100 files, the email recipient would receive 100 emails. This is because Spring Integration processes the messages one after the other.
I need a way to aggregate the files received per poll and send to the recipient instead of sending the files one after the other.
I have tried to come up with some ideas such as these:
Please can someone advise on how I can implement this:
public IntegrationFlow createIntFlow(MessageDirectory directory, ConcurrentMetadataStore metadataStore) {
var directoryName = directory.getDirectoryName();
var integrationFlowBuilder = IntegrationFlows
.from(getInboundAdapter(directory, metadataStore),
e -> e.id(directoryName + "-PerPoller")
**integrationFlowBuilder.publishSubscribeChannel(s -> {
s.subscribe(sf -> sf.handle(c -> emailEmitter.createFileEvent(directory, c.getPayload().toString())));**
return integrationFlowBuilder.get();
See this project https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-integration-extensions/tree/main/spring-integration-zip. There is a ZipTransformer
which can zip an Iterable
input message.
So, probably a source polling channel adapter does not fit to your requirements, but better to look into an FtpOutboundGateway
and its MGET
command support: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/ftp.html#using-the-mget-command. So, you got a List<File>
as a result of this call and you send this message to that ZipTransformer
. The result if zip is just one zip file which you simply can send to email.
You still may use a source polling channel adapter, but rather as a plain trigger via simple Supplier
- () -> ""
. Or with a remote dir as a payload for that FtpOutboundGateway
You may also consider to use a AcceptOnceFileListFilter
as a transformer step before zipping to filter out those files you have processed before.