So some of the default code that is provided when you create an Amplify-React app looks like this:
<Heading level={1}>Hello {user.username}</Heading>
I have tried searching all over my project's files to find out what attributes 'user' has. Clearly it has a 'username' attribute, but what I'd like to change is the heading so that it says "Hello {user.firstname}". Firstname doesn't work so I was wondering where in my project I can find the attributes that a user has so that I can change the heading to their first name.
Using Auth.currentUserInfo()
should return you an object like this:
"attributes": {
"email": "MY EMAIL ADDRESS",
"email_verified": true,
"id": "us-east-1:XXXX",
"username": "MY USERNAME"
As this function is asynchronous, be sure to await
it when setting it to a variable.