I am currently trying to learn the Polars syntax by working through SQL/Pandas queries that I have done in the past.
Here is the SQL Query:
WITH fav_item_cte AS
COUNT(m.product_id) AS order_count,
DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY s.customer_id ORDER BY COUNT(s.customer_id) DESC) AS rank
FROM dannys_diner.menu AS m
JOIN dannys_diner.sales AS s
ON m.product_id = s.product_id
GROUP BY s.customer_id, m.product_name
FROM fav_item_cte
WHERE rank = 1;
Here is the Pandas DataFrame after the initial inner join to allow for a MRE.
df = pd.DataFrame(
"customer_id": ['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C',
'C', 'C'],
"order_id": [
datetime.date(2021, 1, 1), datetime.date(2021, 1, 4),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 11), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 7), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 2), datetime.date(2021, 1, 10),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 11), datetime.date(2021, 1, 11),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 16), datetime.date(2021, 2, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 1), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 7)
"join_date": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
"product_name": ['sushi', 'sushi', 'sushi', 'curry', 'curry', 'curry', 'curry',
'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen',
"price": [10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
Here is the Pandas Code that I used:
df = (df
.groupby(["customer_id", "product_name"])
.agg(order_count=("product_id", "count"))
rank=lambda df_: df_.groupby("customer_id")["order_count"].rank(
method="dense", ascending=False
.query("rank == 1")
.sort_values(["customer_id", "product_name"])
And here is the output that I was seeking:
df = pd.DataFrame(
"customer_id": ['A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C'],
"product_name": ['ramen', 'curry', 'ramen', 'sushi', 'ramen'],
"order_count": [3, 2, 2, 2, 3],
"rank": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Here is the Polars code that I have so far.
dfp = pl.DataFrame(
"customer_id": ['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C',
'C', 'C'],
"order_id": [
datetime.date(2021, 1, 1), datetime.date(2021, 1, 4),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 11), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 7), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 2), datetime.date(2021, 1, 10),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 11), datetime.date(2021, 1, 11),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 16), datetime.date(2021, 2, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 1), datetime.date(2021, 1, 1),
datetime.date(2021, 1, 7)
"join_date": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
"product_name": ['sushi', 'sushi', 'sushi', 'curry', 'curry', 'curry', 'curry',
'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen', 'ramen',
"price": [10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12],
dfp = (
.group_by("customer_id", "product_name")
.sort("customer_id", "order_count", descending=[False, True])
pl.col("order_count").rank(method="dense", descending=True).alias("rank")
.filter(pl.col("rank") == 1)
My Polars query doesn't account for/pick up on the repeated "customer B" orders that are tied for 3 items ordered twice each. Here is that output minus the .filter(pl.col("rank") == 1)
shape: (7, 4)
│ customer_id ┆ product_name ┆ order_count ┆ rank │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ str ┆ u32 ┆ u32 │
│ A ┆ ramen ┆ 3 ┆ 1 │
│ A ┆ curry ┆ 2 ┆ 2 │
│ A ┆ sushi ┆ 1 ┆ 3 │
│ B ┆ curry ┆ 2 ┆ 2 │
│ B ┆ ramen ┆ 2 ┆ 2 │
│ B ┆ sushi ┆ 2 ┆ 2 │
│ C ┆ ramen ┆ 3 ┆ 1 │
Edit: Based on @jqurious comment below, the following might be the best translation but I am still curious if it is the best way to do this in polars?
dfp = (
.group_by("customer_id", "product_name")
.sort("customer_id", "order_count", descending=[False, True])
.rank(method="dense", descending=True)
.filter(pl.col("rank") == 1)
shape: (5, 4)
│ customer_id ┆ product_name ┆ order_count ┆ rank │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ str ┆ u32 ┆ u32 │
│ A ┆ ramen ┆ 3 ┆ 1 │
│ B ┆ sushi ┆ 2 ┆ 1 │
│ B ┆ ramen ┆ 2 ┆ 1 │
│ B ┆ curry ┆ 2 ┆ 1 │
│ C ┆ ramen ┆ 3 ┆ 1 │
As per the comments, it seems you want to keep rows with the "min rank". Or put another way:
The most common "product_name(s)" per "customer_id" (i.e. the .mode()
) along with their count(s).
What comes to mind is:
(df.with_columns(pl.len().over("customer_id", "product_name"))
.filter(pl.col.len == pl.col.len.max().over("customer_id"))
.group_by("customer_id", "product_name")
shape: (5, 3)
│ customer_id ┆ product_name ┆ len │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ str ┆ u32 │
│ B ┆ curry ┆ 2 │
│ C ┆ ramen ┆ 3 │
│ B ┆ sushi ┆ 2 │
│ B ┆ ramen ┆ 2 │
│ A ┆ ramen ┆ 3 │
There's probably quite a few different ways one could approach it.