I want to get the device's width and height in pixels in my Flame application. I've been looking at the api website's examples (https://pub.dev/packages/device_info_plus) and trying to put them both together to get the specific information I need, but I keep getting errors. Is this because of Flame or am I doing something wrong?
I've added the library and updated the yaml file. I just took some lines of code and put them together and I'm receiving an error when trying to get the device width.
Here is the code:
final deviceInfoPlugin = DeviceInfoPlugin();
final deviceInfo = await deviceInfoPlugin.deviceInfo;
final allInfo = deviceInfo.data;
final deviceWidth = deviceInfo.displayMetrics.widthPx;
print("DEVICE INFO");
Here is the error:
error: The getter 'displayMetrics' isn't defined for the type 'BaseDeviceInfo'.
You don't need devive_info_plus
to get the size of the screen in Flame, that information already exists on the FlameGame
class MyGame extends FlameGame {
Future<void> onLoad() {
this.size; // <-- This is the size of the visible game canvas
You can also access the size
from a Component
that is added to the tree.
class MyComponent extends Component with HasGameReference {
Future<void> onLoad() {
game.size; // Same as in the FlameGame
void onGameResize(Vector2 size) {
// This lifecycle method is called every time the screen resizes
// This method exists in all components so for this you don't
// need the HasGameReference mixin.
Other sizes that might be of interest: