I have a following nextflow script which runs a tool perf on all the split fastq files located in the below mentioned directory. When I run the script I get the following error:
*Error executing process > 'perf (29)'
Caused by:
Process `perf (29)` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command executed:
/proj/perf/bin/PERF -i Condition_R1paired.part_016.fastq -o Condition_R1paired.part_016.tsv --format fastq -m 1 -M 6 -u repeat_units.txt
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
Units file specified is not found. Please provide a valid file
Work dir:
*Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script* file named `.command.sh`**
This is the script
params.fastq_dir = "/proj/split_fastq/*.fastq"
params.outdir = '/proj/work/output'
fastq_file_index=Channel.fromPath(params.fastq_dir, checkIfExists: true ).map { it -> [it.baseName, it] }
process perf {
publishDir("${params.outdir}", mode: 'copy')
tuple val(file_name), path(fastq_file)
path "${file_name}.tsv"
/proj/perf/bin/PERF -i ${fastq_file} -o ${file_name}.tsv --format fastq -m 1 -M 6 -u repeat_units.txt
workflow {
Any tip on suspected error and potential fix is welcome, I am guessing the repeat_units.txt cannot be shared concurrently with all the nextflow processes? In that case how do I share a file with multiple processes? Also any pointers on improving the code is welcome as I am new to nextflow. Thanks
This is not a Nextflow error per se. PERF is just asking you to provide a units file:
Units file specified is not found. Please provide a valid file
One way would be to use an extra parameter to specify the file. The file could then be passed to each of the processes using a value channel. Note that a value channel is implicitly created by a process when it is invoked with a simple value1. You could try the following:
params.fastq_files = "/proj/split_fastq/*.fastq"
params.repeat_units = '/path/to/repeat_units.txt'
params.outdir = './results'
process perf {
publishDir "${params.outdir}/perf", mode: 'copy'
tuple val(sample_name), path(fastq_file)
path repeat_units
tuple val(sample_name), path("${sample_name}.tsv")
-i "${fastq_file}" \\
-o "${sample_name}.tsv" \\
--format fastq \\
-m 1 \\
-M 6 \\
-u "${repeat_units}"
workflow {
.fromPath( params.fastq_files, checkIfExists: true )
.map { tuple( it.baseName, it ) }
.set { fastq_files }
repeat_units = file( params.repeat_units )
perf( fastq_files, repeat_units )