Suppose a scenario where you have an application config, the structure of which has changed a few times. To provide ease of use for users, you wish to allow automatic migration from each version to the next.
The code below shows such a scenario, representing the configuration as VersionedConfig
, which is parameterised over the version of the configuration structure.
Given it is possible to migrate between any two successive versions (V1 -> V2
, V2 -> V3
and so on), is it possible to write an instance of MigrateableFromTo
which composes those instances in the correct order to form the complete set of changes?
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | Represents different versions of a config file
data ConfigVersion = V1 | V2 | V3
-- | Represents the config itself, at different versions
data VersionedConfig (v :: ConfigVersion) where
CV1 :: Int -> VersionedConfig V1
CV2 :: Integer -> VersionedConfig V2
CV3 :: String -> VersionedConfig V3
deriving instance Show (VersionedConfig v)
-- | Proof term for migration between versions
data MigrateableProof (from :: ConfigVersion) (to :: ConfigVersion) where
MigrateableProof :: (VersionedConfig from -> VersionedConfig to) -> MigrateableProof from to
class MigrateableFromTo (from :: ConfigVersion) (to :: ConfigVersion) where
migrateFromTo :: MigrateableProof from to
instance MigrateableFromTo V1 V2 where
migrateFromTo = MigrateableProof (\(CV1 a) -> CV2 (toEnum a))
instance MigrateableFromTo V2 V3 where
migrateFromTo = MigrateableProof (\(CV2 a) -> CV3 (show a))
instance forall from intermediate to.
(MigrateableFromTo from intermediate, MigrateableFromTo intermediate to)
=> MigrateableFromTo from to where
migrateFromTo = MigrateableProof (applyMigration @intermediate . applyMigration)
applyMigration :: MigrateableFromTo from to => VersionedConfig from -> VersionedConfig to
applyMigration = let MigrateableProof f = migrateFromTo in f
main :: IO ()
main = do
cv1 = CV1 5
cv3 = (applyMigration cv1) :: VersionedConfig V3
print cv3
This code won't compile as from
, and to
in the inductive instance could be the same type. Is it possible to disambiguate this such that the code compiles?
The result at present is as follows:
Main.hs:44:12: error:
• Overlapping instances for MigrateableFromTo intermediate0 'V3
arising from a use of ‘applyMigration’
Matching instances:
instance (MigrateableFromTo from intermediate,
MigrateableFromTo intermediate to) =>
MigrateableFromTo from to
-- Defined at Main.hs:32:10
instance MigrateableFromTo 'V2 'V3 -- Defined at Main.hs:29:10
(The choice depends on the instantiation of ‘intermediate0’
To pick the first instance above, use IncoherentInstances
when compiling the other instance declarations)
• In the expression: (applyMigration cv1) :: VersionedConfig V3
In an equation for ‘cv3’:
cv3 = (applyMigration cv1) :: VersionedConfig V3
In the expression:
do let cv1 = CV1 5
cv3 = ...
print cv3
44 | cv3 = (applyMigration cv1) :: VersionedConfig V3
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This code is available in the Haskell Playground.
Yes, it's possible. Deep breath:
{-# Language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}
{-# Language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# Language TypeOperators #-}
{-# Language UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Kind
Here's the one-step class that you need to write instances for:
class DirectlyConvertible a where
type DirectConversion a
convertDirectly :: a -> DirectConversion a
And here's the supporting machinery that need only be done once:
class ConvertibleVia (path :: [*]) tgt where
type From path tgt
convert_ :: From path tgt -> tgt
instance ConvertibleVia '[] a where
type From '[] a = a
convert_ = id
instance (DirectlyConvertible a, DirectConversion a ~ From path c, ConvertibleVia path c) => ConvertibleVia (a:path) c where
type From (a:path) c = a
convert_ = convert_ @path . convertDirectly
type family ConversionPath a b where
ConversionPath a a = '[]
ConversionPath a b = a : ConversionPath (DirectConversion a) b
-- tiny wrapper to make the type applications a bit more convenient
convert :: forall src tgt path. (path ~ ConversionPath src tgt, ConvertibleVia path tgt, From path tgt ~ src) => src -> tgt
convert = convert_ @path
With that in place, we can toss in some mock instances:
data V1
data V2
data V3
data V4
instance DirectlyConvertible V1 where type DirectConversion V1 = V2
instance DirectlyConvertible V2 where type DirectConversion V2 = V3
instance DirectlyConvertible V3 where type DirectConversion V3 = V4
And now you can write e.g. convert @V1 @V4
, or even convert @V1
if the V4
can be inferred from context, and it will Just Work. Ironic that disambiguating the instance resolution is done by turning on AllowAmbiguousTypes
, isn't it?