I need to know how to extract a number from a text file while also having it tell me what line the number is on. But i need it to paste the output to a new text file
fname = input("Enter file name: ")
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
for i in words:
for letter in i:
print('I found ',letter)
Text File:
Enter file name: superpleasework.txt
I found 5
I found 5
I found 6
I found 6
I found 6
I found 6
I found 9
I found 9
I found 5
I found 7
I found 6
I found 6
I found 6
I found 4
I found 3
I found 7
I found 8
I found 3
I found 4
I found 9
I was expecting it to look like this:
I found 55 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 9 on line 1
I found 9 on line 1...etc
I need it to tell me the line each number is on (without separating the numbers that are together).
You could use the groupby function (form itertools) with the str.isdigit function to separate the lines on the alternating numeric and non-numeric sequences of characters.
To get the line numbers, use enumerate() in your for-loop:
from itertools import groupby
for lineNumber,line in enumerate(f,1):
numbers = ("".join(digits) for isNum,digits
in groupby(line,str.isdigit) if isNum)
for number in numbers:
print("I found ",number,"on line",lineNumber)
I found 55 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 6 on line 1
I found 9 on line 1
I found 9 on line 1
I found 57 on line 2
I found 6 on line 2
I found 66 on line 2
I found 4 on line 2
I found 3 on line 2
I found 78 on line 2
I found 3 on line 3
I found 4 on line 3
I found 978 on line 3
I found 67654 on line 3
I found 4 on line 4
I found 7 on line 4
I found 6 on line 4
I found 5 on line 4