I have in Python an structure like this one
example = {
['g': 'h'],
{'a':'b'}, {'c': 'd'},
{'a':'b'}, {'e', 'f'}
I want to create a dictionary that represents the information of this list considering it a graph in the sense that the info goes from left to right
The output I want, for the example above is:
output = {
{'c': 'd'},
{'e', 'f'}
{'g': 'h'}
If you used a set of functions like
def kvCombine(obj:list):
if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = list(obj.items())
if not isinstance(obj, list): return obj
obj = [t for lt in [
list(o.items()) if isinstance(o,dict) else [o] for o in obj
] for t in lt]
if not all(isinstance(t, tuple) and len(t)==2 for t in obj): return obj
kList = set(k for k, v in obj)
kvPairs = [(ki, [v for k, v in obj if k==ki]) for ki in kList]
return {k: v[0] if len(v)==1 else kvCombine(v) for k, v in kvPairs}
def dict_graph(pList):
if not isinstance(pList, list): return pList
if not pList: return None # {} # []
if len(pList)==1: return dict_graph(pList[0])
if any(isinstance(p, list) for p in pList):
return kvCombine([ (p,None) if not isinstance(p,list) else
(p[0],dict_graph(p[1:])) for p in pList if p!=[] ])
if len(pList)==2: return {pList[0]: pList[1]}
return {pList[0]: dict_graph(pList[1:])}
then with a list of lists:
example = [[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [ 'a', 'b', 'e', 'f'], [ 'g', 'h']]
example_graph = dict_graph(example)
would look like
{'a': {'b': {'c': 'd', 'e': 'f'}}, 'g': 'h'}
{ "a": { "b": { "c": "d", "e": "f" } }, "g": "h" }