I don't know what to do to get rid of this error.
I build (successfuly) my bundle like so:
$ flutter build appbundle
💪 Building with sound null safety 💪
Running Gradle task 'bundleRelease'... 17,6s
✓ Built build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab
But when I try to add the aab file to the plays tore console page, I sometime get the following error (The translation from French stands for "You've been importing an invalid ZIP file"):
Vous avez importé un fichier ZIP archive non valide.
I trie to $flutter clear Android
but this makes no difference. I also tried to up the build number and generate a new bundle, but this makes no difference I still stick with the error.
I finally have to mention that I usually don't have any error.
Where does it come? What should I do?
I finally found out why I'm getting this error every now and then. I never turn off my MacBook nor I close vscode or my projects. And What I think the reason is, is that with time going on, vscode or whatever flutter tools, comes unable to perform a normal build despite the appearance.
Anyway, to fix it:
;flutter clean
;flutter build appbundle
.Your bundle will be processed by Play store without any issue.
Hope it helps!