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Convert multiline string to single line in java

I want to convert a markdown table to a json string using Scriptrunner for Jira Server (Java/Groovy).

The table is stored in the description field of the issue and looks something like this when displaying the issue through the rest api /rest/api/2/issue

"description": "|| ||Due Date||Done on||OK/NOK||Remarks||\r\n|*Task 1*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 2*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 3*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 4*| 15/03/23| | | See document X|"

For clarity, this is what the table looks like in interpreted MD:

  Due Date Done on OK/NOK Remarks
Task 1        
Task 2        
Task 3        
Task 4  15/03/23      See document X

This to be converted in the following Json (with a block for each line)

    "ACTION": [{
            "DONE ON": "",
            "DUE DATE": "15/03/23",
            "NOTE": "See document X",
            "TITLE": "Task 4"

I have already figured out the regular expression to be used:

Note that the table is always going to be the same, same number of lines and columns with this specific formatting.

Thing is when I display the content of the issue's description, the \r\n are interpreted as newlines.

Is there a way to display the content as a single line "raw" string so that my regex could work?

Here is the code snippet I used for now.

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import groovy.json.*
import org.apache.log4j.Level

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


def issue = issueManager.getIssueObject('PTIJ-68')

def description_raw = issue.getDescription()"issue.getDescription() = ${issue.getDescription().toString()}")



  • Some simplistic regex with CSV handling:

    import groovy.json.JsonOutput
    String description = "|| ||Due Date||Done on||OK/NOK||Remarks||\r\n|*Task 1*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 2*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 3*| | | | |\r\n|*Task 4*| 15/03/23| | | See document X|" 
    List data = []
    description.splitEachLine( /\*?\|+\*?/ ){ _, title, dueDate, doneOn, ok_nok, remarks ->
      data << [ 'TTILE':title, "DUE DATE":dueDate.trim(), "DONE ON":doneOn.trim(), "NOTE":remarks.trim() ]
    data.remove 0 // skip the head
    JsonOutput.prettyPrint JsonOutput.toJson( ACTION:data )


        "ACTION": [
                "TTILE": "Task 1",
                "DUE DATE": "",
                "DONE ON": "",
                "NOTE": ""
                "TTILE": "Task 2",
                "DUE DATE": "",
                "DONE ON": "",
                "NOTE": ""
                "TTILE": "Task 3",
                "DUE DATE": "",
                "DONE ON": "",
                "NOTE": ""
                "TTILE": "Task 4",
                "DUE DATE": "15/03/23",
                "DONE ON": "",
                "NOTE": "See document X"