I want to insert data and time into a SQL database field as (sysdate+1) with specific time.
Example: If current date/time is 05/03/2023 20:05:05 , the data/time should be inserted as 06/03/2023 00:30:00. So sysdate+1 for fixed time 00:30:00.
Is there any way to do that?
Database: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release PL/SQL Release
update table set dvalid = trunc(sysdate+1);
This gives the (sysdate+1), but I want to set the time to exactly 00:30:00.
to_date('06-03-2023 00:30:00', 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); --> format
Try this:
update table set dvalid = (trunc(sysdate+1)+1/48);
This will work for the DATE
data type, which tracks a full day as a differential of "1". An hour interval is therefore "1/24" and a 30 minute interval is "1/48". This will not work for a TIMESTAMP
data type, which uses a different internal format and requires that you use an interval
(trunc(systimestamp) + interval '1' day + interval '30' minute)