I'm new to Puppet ruby coding and I'm struggling trying to iterate through a hash so I can use both key and value in a .pp file in the module to create directories.
So far, I have two text files that contain the names of the directories to be created and the groups to be used to create them.
Both files are synced, so the first entry in names_list.txt has its counterpart in group_list.txt as the first entry as well. In this way I should be able later to create the following directories with these groups:
john -> admins
mike -> users
tom -> tech
I access those files using two custom facts:
Facter.add('name_list') do
setcode do
if File.exist?("/tmp/name_list.txt")
Array(File.readlines("/tmp/name_list.txt").map{|l| l.chomp})
Facter.add('group_list') do
setcode do
if File.exist?("/tmp/group_list.txt")
Array(File.readlines("/tmp/group_list.txt").map{|l| l.chomp})
and combine them in another custom fact to create the hash:
Facter.add(:hash_list) do
setcode do
hash_list = {}
Facter.value(:name_list).each do |dir_name|
Facter.value(:group_list).each do |group_name|
hash_list[dir_name] = group_name
Finally, the code part in the manifest .pp file that should create the directories is this one:
$hash_list.each |$dir_name, $new_group| {
file { "/tmp/${dir_name}":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => $new_group,
mode => '755',
When I run puppet agent, I have the below error that shows that the iteration through the group_list is trying to use the last entry in the file only:
Error: Could not find group tech
Info: Unknown failure using insync_values? on type: File[/tmp/john] / property: group to compare values ["tech"] and 0
Error: /Stage[main]/Temp::Test/File[/tmp/john]/group: change from 'root' to 'tech' failed: Could not find group tech
Error: Could not find group tech
Info: Unknown failure using insync_values? on type: File[/tmp/mike] / property: group to compare values ["tech"] and 0
Error: /Stage[main]/Temp::Test/File[/tmp/mike]/group: change from 'root' to 'tech' failed: Could not find group tech
Error: Could not find group tech
Info: Unknown failure using insync_values? on type: File[/tmp/tom] / property: group to compare values ["tech"] and 0
Error: /Stage[main]/Temp::Test/File[/tmp/tom]/group: change from 'root' to 'tech' failed: Could not find group tech
The below shows that indeed the :hash_list hash is not returning the right group for every directory:
# puppet facts hash_list
"hash_list": {
"john": "tech",
"mike": "tech",
"tom": "tech"
I have done lots of tests trying to correct it but I wasn't able to manage it due to my lack of experience in Ruby/Puppet code.
Can someone explain me how to do it properly?
After John Bollinger's answer, I saw the need of make my question more clear and remake it. I think that a better approach in my case should be to use a flat file that contains "name,group" like this: (Note: Just to clarify that that file is created and accessed in other server but for testing purposes I'm doing it in the /tmp folder for now and I still need it as the source of that data.)
and use a custom fact to read those contents so they can be passed to the manifest .pp file I mentioned before and iterate from there.
My problem again is that custom fact. I tried the below but is not giving me the expected result so I would appreciate some help with the correct code:
Facter.add('test') do
setcode do
file_data = {}
if File.exist?("/tmp/new_list.txt")
Array(File.readlines("/tmp/new_list.txt")) do |file|
file.each do |line|
line_data = line.split(',')
file_data[line_data[0]] = line_data[1]
I was expecting a hash so I could iterate in the manifest as stated earlier but it seems I'm having what looks like an array:
"test": [
Since this probably is not the best way to do this, I'm open to better solutions so any help would be really appreciated.
I finally found the solution to my question by applying the recommended approach in this comment here: Using Ruby, Reading a file, containing name/value pairs into a hash
It worked like a charm.